Ironwood Tree

Friday, July 06, 2007

Stop the funding, stop the war

Stop funding the troops? No. There was an unvoiced worry over funding the troops a month or so ago. It wasn't that Congress would let the troops starve in the field, no, I really think that everyone was worried that Bush would see the troops starve before he'd sign a bill he didn't like. He's crazy enough to do it and no one can really take that chance.

So, what to do? Rahm Emanuel (possibly cued by Randi Rhodes) had a good idea when Dick Cheney decided he wasn't in the executive branch. Defund Cheney if he doesn't cooperate.

Take it a step further. Tie the funding of the executive branch to progress in Iraq. Make the people responsible for this mess suffer if they can't manage a victory.


  • "Tie the funding of the executive branch to progress in Iraq."

    Great idea!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:06 PM  

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